pddh.com is recorded as an expired domain name on 2024-11-01. Key details of this domain include the registration date, expiration date, nameservers, and the domain registrar:
Domain: PDDH.COM
Registrar: Megazone Corp., dba HOSTING.KR
Create Date: 2016-10-29T12:00:00Z
Expire Date: 2025-10-29T18:00:32Z
Domain Registrant: JUNGYUHKOOK
Registrant Email: [email protected]
As a 4 letters domain name, PDDH.COM has a 8 year’s history. Its established history adds considerable value in the domain market. The domain might soon be recovered by its owner or could be available in the upcoming expired domain auctions. Stay updated with our service: ABTdomain Pending Delete Domains, where you can find daily updates on expiring and pending delete domains.
*Domain WHOIS information is retrieved from publicly available WHOIS databases in accordance with ICANN regulations.